Voucher: Schinus molle L. JAB190 Previously known as Schinus areira.
Family: Anacardiaceae Common name(s): Pepper-tree
Habit: Tree to 10 m tall. Distribution: Introduced (South America). Cultivated and naturalised in South Australia, southern Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria; widely planted but not naturalised in southern Western Australia.
General features: Density 600 kg/m3. Heartwood absent or visually indiscernible from sapwood.
Microscopic features:
Vessels Tangential vessel diameter: range 14-71 µm; mean 28 µm; SD 11 µm; average maximum 39-50 µm; n = 209 vessels. Vessels per square millimetre: range 147-159 vessels per mm2 ; n = 2 sampled areas. Vessels arranged in radial multiples occasionally with 4 or more vessels and occasionally with clusters. Perforation plates simple.
Axial parenchyma Axial parenchyma paratracheal and scanty to vasicentric.
Rays Rays 2-5 cells wide with uniseriate rays absent (n = 75 rays). Rays of uniform width and not wider than vessels. Rays 9-14 per tangential mm (n = 7 sampled areas). Ray height: range 78-366 µm; mean 209 µm; SD 65 µm; n = 7 rays. Rays heterocellular.
Helical thickenings Present.
Physical and chemical tests: Chrome azurol-s test negative.
Notes: Heartwood-dependent characters are not assessed for wood where heartwood is absent or visually indiscernible from sapwood until such time it can be reliably determined that heartwood is present.